Info "Want to have real impact in the world? 

Sponsor a community to get clean water. 100% of your donation actually gets to the people."

771 million people world-wide live without clean drinking water

Approximately 1 in 10 individuals across the globe, which is equivalent to twice the population of the United States, are affected. A significant portion of these people reside in remote and isolated rural regions, where access to clean water is a constant struggle.

Their days are consumed by the time-consuming and arduous task of walking great distances to collect water for their families. This daily trek is not merely a physical burden, but it also has far-reaching social and economic implications.

Children who are preoccupied with the necessity of obtaining water are often deprived of their fundamental right to education. They spend their formative years not in school gaining knowledge, but on long, winding paths in search of water. This reality steals away their opportunity for a brighter future, leaving them trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Similarly, adults find their time monopolized by the quest for water, preventing them from engaging in income-generating activities. The loss of productive hours hampers the economic progress of their families and, by extension, their communities.

Moreover, the water that they work so hard to gather often poses severe health risks. The lack of clean water sources means that the water they collect is frequently contaminated, carrying diseases that threaten the health of their families. This leads to recurrent illness, further exacerbating the challenges they face. The quest for water becomes not just a fight for basic sustenance, but a gamble with life and health.

INFO is donating 100% of all the stream profits to Charity Water!

Charity Water is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to addressing the global water crisis. They are committed to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. By directly funding water project costs, they aim to transform lives and communities. Their unique approach guarantees that 100% of public donations go directly to water project initiatives. Charity Water's transparency and dedication have made them a leader in solving the world's water crisis.

Learn More About Charity Water

Learn More About Charity Water

771 million people world-wide live without clean drinking water

Approximately 1 in 10 individuals across the globe, which is equivalent to twice the population of the United States, are affected. A significant portion of these people reside in remote and isolated rural regions, where access to clean water is a constant struggle.

Their days are consumed by the time-consuming and arduous task of walking great distances to collect water for their families. This daily trek is not merely a physical burden, but it also has far-reaching social and economic implications.

Children who are preoccupied with the necessity of obtaining water are often deprived of their fundamental right to education. They spend their formative years not in school gaining knowledge, but on long, winding paths in search of water. This reality steals away their opportunity for a brighter future, leaving them trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Similarly, adults find their time monopolized by the quest for water, preventing them from engaging in income-generating activities. The loss of productive hours hampers the economic progress of their families and, by extension, their communities.

Moreover, the water that they work so hard to gather often poses severe health risks. The lack of clean water sources means that the water they collect is frequently contaminated, carrying diseases that threaten the health of their families. This leads to recurrent illness, further exacerbating the challenges they face. The quest for water becomes not just a fight for basic sustenance, but a gamble with life and health.

Charity Water is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to addressing the global water crisis. They are committed to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. By directly funding water project costs, they aim to transform lives and communities. Their unique approach guarantees that 100% of public donations go directly to water project initiatives. Charity Water's transparency and dedication have made them a leader in solving the world's water crisis.

Info "Want to have real impact in the world? 

Sponsor a community to get clean water. 100% of your donation actually gets to the people"